Wednesday, January 19, 2011

First Post

Well, first things first I suppose. My name is Gabrielle and I have never had a blog before.
I've also never posted a video on Youtube, My Kindle was the first thing I ever purchased on Amazon, I've never bought anything off of Ebay, I do not have a smart phone, I've never had an Ipod, I don't have cable television or TiVo (sp?), and the last game system I owned was a PS2. Needless to say, my technology skills are atrocious.
Having said this, if I ever ask to borrow your phone because mine is dead, be prepared to just type in the number and hit the call key for me because I will have no idea what to do with a phone that doesn't even have buttons. It's not on purpose that I'm stuck in the stone age, my pocketbook just can't seem to keep up.

Here are a quick couple of things about me that I like people to know:

1)I am a Christian. I love Jesus and, try as you may, nothing you can say will change that part of me, so please do not try.
2)I am married to my best friend, my soul mate,  and the greatest man God could have ever blessed me with. His name is Jonathan and we have been married for about a year and a half now. I'm sure you'll hear plenty of interesting stories about him and I.

3)I have two pet hermit crabs that I absolutely adore. At my old apartment I wasn't aloud to have cats or dogs, so my husband (accidentally) won me a hermit crab at the county fair last summer, we named him Storm and we bought him a friend, named Mert. They might not look too cute, but they do grow on you. Hermit Crabs are kind of like beer, its an acquired taste.

4)I will not "rite lyk dis in muh blogggg. i think dis lookz stupid n i prefer 2 not look stoopid"  I may not have the best English skills, but I do try to be somewhat grammatically correct.

I don't really know what type of stuff I'm going to write in my blog, my hope is just that maybe somebody, at some point, will enjoy something that I have wrote.


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